Known for our LOVE
Welcome to Reality Church
At Reality we are passionate about cultivating authentic community that is passionate about God, His people, and partnering with Him in His redemptive plan for the world.
You are invited to join us for our regular Sunday morning services, held every week at 10am followed by an opportunity to fellowship over morning tea and barista made coffee.
35 Larnach Road
Regular Services
10am Sundays
Worship Services
7pm on first Sunday of the month
Want to chat? Give us a call on 0499 354 733
Babies & Toddlers
Baby change facilities are provided along with a well-equipped parents room to keep your young one entertained, without having to miss out on the service.
Reality Kids
Our children’s church program runs each Sunday morning during the school terms. The program is designed for children aged 5 to 12 and involves a bible lesson, singing, craft and games.
Reality Youth
Our youth program runs each Friday night during the school terms. The youth meet from 7pm to 9pm in the youth room on the church property. Each term there are also combined church youth events held at different locations.
Small Groups
We are better together. Small groups are a way to connect with each other. Want to be part of a small group, click the speech bubbles to find out more.
Reality Ministries
We are passionate about helping you and your family grow on your journey with Jesus.
Facilities are provided for babies and toddlers and our Kingdom Kids program has your primary school aged kids covered during our morning services.
We also have a variety of meetings throughout the week, catering for a broad range of ages and interests.
Want to know more about Reality?
We would love to chat about what God is doing in your life and share with you what he is doing here at Reality.