Ministries at Reality
We are better together!
There are many ways to connect, here at Reality.
Life Groups
At Reality, we truly believe that life is done best when we do it together. Whilst we love spending time with everyone on a Sunday morning, it is no secret that we as humans are not going to connect at a very deep level in such a big group. Cue Life Groups! Life Groups are small groups of people with similar interests that meet regularly and do life together. We get to journey and grow together Bible study and discussions. Usually complemented by a hot drink, a sweet treat and great hospitality.
Gavin & Rhonda
Wednesday Night – fortnightly
7pm for coffee, 7:30pm start
Klaas & Lesleigh
Thursday DAY – weekly
1:30pm start
Young Adults
Daniel & Lani
This group is specifically tailored to young adults, 18 – 30 years old and meets in Traralgon.
Thursday Night – fortnightly
7pm – 9pm
Dates are fluid, flyers with term dates are available at church, aternatively speak to Daniel for more info.
Want to find out more about joining a Life Group? Simply click the button below and fill in the contact form and someone will contact you to find the right group for you.

Women's Walk Talk Coffee
Wednesday morning – Weekly
9:30 am – start
10am – coffee
Each week our ladies meet at 9:30 for a walk, followed by a cuppa at MOMO’s (103 Seymour St, Traralgon).
Not a walker? Not a problem, come and join us for fellowship over a coffee.
For more information speak to Gwenda.
Men join the women for a cuppa time on the first Wednesday of the month.
Men's Group
Monday Night – Weekly
7pm – 9pm at the Church
Iron sharpens iron and that is why our Mighty Men get together weekly to share our journey of being blokes, husbands and fathers. Throughout the year we also have outings to enjoy good pub food, camp, fish, gold prospect and so much more. Don’t miss out!
Check the calendar for our next meeting or speak to Rob Dawson.